
The number of characters (including letters, numbers and spacing) varies from product to product. Please check the individual product details page for the specific number of characters available.

You may use any name if it fits in the specified number of characters using English/ASCII letters. Unfortunately, we can’t use accented, special characters or emojis.

If you wish to order multiple items and personalise each one differently, personalise the products one by one and add each item to your shopping bag as usual.

Yes, all personalisation requires additional time. This can vary from product to product and will be shown on the individual product details page.

All personalised products cannot be returned and are non-refundable. We can only exchange or refund where the personalisation is incorrect due to error on our part. If the personalisation is an error on our part, then please contact our Customer Services team by calling +44 (0)207 730 7300, Monday to Sunday from 9am – 5pm GMT.

An order containing a personalised product cannot be cancelled, so please check the spelling and use of capital letters before submitting the order. If the same order contains other products, they cannot be cancelled either.